How to prepare for MPPSC 2021 ? MPPSC, Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission State Service Examination. Moreover, an exam for selection of candidates for the various categories of services & posts.
Also it has been observe since last 5-7 years that many people wants to join government sector and mainly the civil services. Besides, mppsc is one of those examinations. In fact,It is one of the most given exam among the youth living in Madhya Pradesh and near by areas But As it seems to be not so difficult to get it, if hard work is done.
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But how to prepare for it? In conclusion, What’s the proper manner to do it?
In addition to, mostly time youth starts preparing for the mppsc examination but not appears to be talent in property manner.
Moreover, There’s always a sequence to prepare are any of the examination Because, if the post is to clear mppsc then it’s important to keep in mind some of the point :
- Know about the stage in mppsc exam.
- Make properly study schedule and do time management.
- Know mppsc syllabus and mppsc pattern well.
- Prepare through previous year question paper.
- Maintain a speed to solve question and track exam.
- Read newspaper and watch news too.
- Should know all about the state (M.P.) and central level.
- Also learn about the central level and competition.
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There are also some eligibilities which have to be keep in mind:
- Educational qualification:
Any graduated or in the final years of graduation will be eligible to apply for the mppsc state Services.
- Age limit:
In addition, Candidate age limit should be between 21-28 years for deputy superintendent of police, assistant super intendent jail and transportation sub- inspector and 21-40 year for other posts too.
Above all, If a person doesn’t belongs to MP then his or her age limit will be 21-28 years and if belongs then age limit will be 21-40 years.
Exam pattern:
Examination pattern of mppsc consist of 3 levels—
- Preliminary exam
- Mains exam
- Interview
- Preliminary exam:
Preliminary exam consist of 2 papers—
Paper I & paper II
Paper | Syllabus | Time | Marks |
Paper I | General studies | 2hrs | 200 marks |
Paper II | General aptitude test | 2hrs | 200 marks |
In addition, Above all, there’s no negative marking.
In conclusion, To be eligible for main exam, candidate must secure a minimum of 40% marks in each question paper of preliminary exam and For SC/ST and handicapped candidate the minimum marks will be 30% too.
- Mains examination:
- Total no. Of paper mains consist of 6 papers.
- All papers are compulsory to attend.
- The first IV papers are of general studies.
- Paper V consists of general Hindi.
- Paper VI consists of Hindi essay writing.
- The test carries 175 marks.
- Total marks—
Main exam=1400
Interview =175
Total =1575
How to Prepare For MPPSC Mains 2020 ?
However, Examinations is a conclusive factor to crack MPPSC exam and as it consists of 1400 Marks (Total 1575 including Interview) and following are the suggestions to qualify Mains Examination easily:
- Furthermore, It is equally important to write tests in a lucid language with a diagram, flow charts, Case studies and Maps too whenever required to express your opinions.
- Answer all the questions in the Mains exam but Maintain legible handwriting throughout the paper.
- In conclusion, Take plenty of Tests and strictly try to finish it within time limits.
- Another is to maintain short handy notes on every topic of the syllabus and Revise it multiple times before attempting MPPSC Tests.
- Try to write 3 markers , 6 markers in bullet points.
- in addition, Add examples from current affairs wherever required and add news.
- Finally, Proper Structure (Intro, Body and conclusion) to be followed in descriptive answers and Essay too.
How to Prepare For MPPSC Interview 2020 ?
- Update your resume correctly similarly. in addition, explain all things properly
- Don’t talk about any fake information in other words fake news.
- in addition, boost your self-confidence and motivation level because this also helps you to maintain your eye contact and speed.
- It is also equally important to Report on time for Interview process.
- And don’t be irritated if you have any diplomatic question, In other words be calm.
- Above all, Answer only one question at a time for instance be focus.
- For more information 👇
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