An essential component of your renewable energy system might be a lithium battery. It provides additional options for powering your home and allows you to store surplus power that you may utilize whenever the solar panels are not producing enough.
If you’re wondering, “How do lithium batteries work?” This article covers the benefits of a lithium battery, how it works with solar systems and renewable cells, and the benefits of having a lithium-ion system.
What is a solar battery?
Let’s begin by briefly explaining what a solar battery is.
- Store the surplus electricity generated through your solar cells in your power system. Then, you could utilize the banked energy to operate your home on cloudy days, at night, and even during power outages where your solar panels cannot produce enough electricity.
- A solar battery’s purpose is to enable you to utilize the more significant amounts of renewable radiation you produce. Any extra solar power generated is sent to the grid if you don’t consume battery storage. This means you’re creating power without fully utilizing the electricity your panels produce first.
Lithium batteries, a part of solar battery
The most common type of solar battery available today is a lithium-ion battery. The same advanced battery technology is found in phones and many other high-tech devices.
Lithium-ion batteries store chemical energy through a chemical process and then transfer it to electrical power. Lithium ions generate free electrons, which move from the negatively (- anode) charged anode to the (+cathode) positively charged cathode, initiating the process.
Advantages of installing a solar battery
The best method to ensure you maximize your solar-powered system’s benefits is to add backup power for solar panels. Some of the key advantages of a solar power storage system are as follows:
Generating and storing extra electricity,
Especially in sunshine hours when nobody is home, your solar panel can frequently provide more energy than you use. It will be transmitted to the grid if you do not have any battery storage for solar energy. Instead of sending additional energy to the grid, battery storage allows you to store it in your cell for later use. Your dependency on the system for electricity is decreased since you can utilize the excess power during periods of lesser generation.
Offers protection against power outages
Your home will have access to electricity during blackouts and other periods when the grid is down because your batteries can retain the extra energy generated by your solar panels.
Minimizes carbon footprint
Using solar panel battery storage, you may go green by utilizing the clean energy generated by your solar energy system. Whenever your solar panels don’t produce enough energy to meet your needs, you will have to rely on the grid if that power isn’t stored. However, most of the grid electricity is generated by fossil fuels; thus, if you use the grid, you’ll probably be utilizing dirty energy.
Enables the provision of electricity even after sunset
If you don’t have any battery storage, the grid will step in to give much-needed power whenever the sun sets and solar panels aren’t producing electricity. Utilizing more solar power at night with a solar battery will increase your energy independence and lower your monthly electric cost.
You need the proper system design to get the most out of your solar cells and batteries. As it functions like a sizable solar battery for your house, providing you more choice over how and when you use renewable electricity. So, think carefully if you plan to add a rechargeable solar panel battery to your solar power plant.