Premature ejaculation is a disease in a patient having an issue of ejaculating before the proper time of sexual need. The semen discharges even before a penis enters the vagina, before the time of 2 minutes or too early, instead of satisfying a woman. There are several ways to reduce this premature ejaculation. To check your premature ejaculation using delay spray on doll buying from
Reasons for Premature ejaculation
There are several reasons for premature ejaculation. These reasons may be due to mental health or the hardware of the human body. Some reasons are as follows.
- Thinking of inadequate sexual performance
- Fear of rejection from the partner
- Any other anxiety or tension
- Being nervous about having sex for the first time
- Feeling pressure for a long time, sexual demand
- Physically down health
- Having a disease like diabetes or heart disease
- Having erection dysfunction
- Having sex after a long time
- Harmful activities in childhood related to sex
- Strict religious beliefs
Important pros of delay spray
Holdup sprinkles help you to have more time duration of sexual activity. It enhances the sex duration by up to 30-40 minutes. It makes you feel confident while having intercourse with your sex partner, leading the relationship to a solid binding level. Some important pros of delay spray can be listed as:
- Increases sex duration
- The relationship is strengthened.
- Depression is released
- It gives immense pleasure to sex
Cons of delay spray
Although holdup sprinkles have many pros for treating hasty discharge spray, it has some side effects and disadvantages of having used improperly or carelessly.
As all other medicines related to the skin have side effects, delayed spray can also cause some serious problems. It may include
- Desensitization of penis for a short period
- Skin burning issues
- Irritation on skin
- Causes inflammation
- Redness
Loss of erection for a short time
If one of these effects has greater amplitude, the person should stop using delay spray and immediately contact some medical consultant. These side effects are not only related to the male person using spray on his penis, but also it can harm or damage the area of the vagina of the female partner or any soft doll buy from due to sensitivity. So enjoy better sex but have some care concerns as well.
3 best Delay Spray
Registered companies produce different delay sprays under some health precautions given by food authorities. These restrictions are made to maximize the quality of the spray and eradicate the use of harmful elements in the product.
After much research and surveys, these three delay sprays are beautiful.
Promescent Delay Spray.
Promescent is a sexual product company that has been making sexual products for a long. Delay spray is one of their products that can be recommended to any person who wants a quality product for a sexual delay during intercourse.
- This includes lidocaine in its ingredients which is a good ingredient for delaying the sex timing for men.
- It has no ingredient that can harm you as a side effect.
- It does not require any doctor to suggest a specific amount of dose; you can see all this written on the covering of the spray.
- It is too easy to use
- It takes time to absorb in the skin of your penis; it may kill your mood to have sex.
- It is difficult to use if the penis is not erected
- It might not be suitable for all types of skin
- It can affect the pregnancy, as it has been observed that it affects sperms
- Its bottle has less storage capacity; it can be utilized only 20 times.
Stud 100 male genital desensitizer sprays
Stud 100 is a better desensitizer option for having sex for more duration. It can be recommended for immediate effects after the application. It makes a person eligible to avoid premature ejaculation.
- It takes very little time to absorb, so sex can be enjoyed early as your mood is on.
- It has a solid numbing effect
- It is not too expensive
- It is ok even with oral sex
- Condoms and stud 100 can be used simultaneously
- It doesn’t require a doctor to prescribe the dose. It can be self-administered
- It comes with various languages, easy to understand the usage of dose
- It includes metered pumps for avoiding any inconvenience
- It can’t be used if your female partner is pregnant
- It makes you deprived of orgasm if used too much
- It reduces the level of sexual pleasure as it n numbs the whole penis
- Its numbness maybe transfer to your partner as well
K-Y Duration Desensitizing Delay Spray
It was utilized to overcome the hasty discharge problem. It is one of the sexual spray products that a well-established brand manufactures. It is a better recommendation as the company makes it vital to the person having a premature ejaculation problem.
- K-Y duration spray is rapid in case of start working. It takes 5 to 10 minutes only to be active so that you can have sex without any lengthy delay of your desire.
- Its use is not too difficult; it comes with a proper spray pump that helps you spray your penis easily.
- It does not leave any liquid or sticky thing behind after sex is completed.
- It’s also affordable.
- It can be used with condoms as well.
- It can be used for sex positions having oral activity without hesitation.
- Too much utilization of it can source many side effects as
- It damages the skin of the nerve if it is often used
- It can result in hives if you use it frequently
- It causes the swelling problem of face, tongue, or lips is dominant by often use
- It can cause some breathing issues as well
- It injects dizziness into your health
- It produces some psychological issues by using in excess like depression, anxiety, hypertension, etc.
Where to buy testosterone injections
Buying testosterone injections without a prescription or from unauthorized sources is illegal and potentially dangerous. Testosterone is a controlled substance and should only be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. If you have concerns about your testosterone levels or potential treatments, I recommend consulting with a doctor who can provide appropriate guidance and prescriptions.
Premature ejaculation can be referred to as the fact that some people ejaculate too early, even before entering the penis in the vagina of the partner or having a sex duration of fewer than 2 minutes. Different physical, psychological, or medical treatments are used to overcome this issue.
Any well-upholding sprinkle is worthy of a choice when it comes to the sexual satisfaction of the partner. Keep in mind that excessive use of anything is sensitive injurious.